Dress to Impress: What to Wear for Your Engagement Session

Dear potential brides, as a wedding photographer, I understand that choosing the right attire for your engagement session can feel like a daunting task. But fear not, for I'm here to guide you through this process and help you look your best in your engagement photos.

1. Coordinate, Don't Match:

When it comes to attire, coordinating your outfits is key. Avoid wearing the exact same color or pattern, but aim for complementary colors and styles. This will make your photos visually appealing without being too matchy-matchy.

2. Express Your Personal Style:

Your engagement photos should reflect your unique personalities as a couple. Wear outfits that make you feel comfortable and confident. Whether you're classic, bohemian, or edgy, let your style shine.

3. Dress for the Season:

Consider the season in which your engagement session will take place. Light, airy fabrics work well for spring and summer, while cozy layers and warm tones are perfect for fall and winter sessions.

4. Choose Flattering Colors:

Opt for colors that flatter your skin tone and make you both glow. Jewel tones, soft pastels, and earthy neutrals are popular choices. Avoid overly bright or neon colors, as they can cast unnatural reflections on your skin.

5. Avoid Distracting Patterns:

Busy patterns or logos can distract from the focus of the photos—you and your love. Stick to solid colors, subtle textures, or simple patterns that won't overwhelm the frame.

6. Accessories Add Flair:

Accessorize wisely. Hats, scarves, statement jewelry, or a well-placed pocket square can add character to your outfits. Just be careful not to overdo it; less is often more.

7. Consider Your Location:

Think about the setting of your engagement session. If it's in a natural, outdoor setting, earthy tones and casual wear may work best. For an urban or formal location, you might opt for more refined attire.

8. Layer for Versatility:

Layers can add depth and versatility to your looks. Jackets, cardigans, or scarves can be easily added or removed to create different looks during the session.

9. Bring a Backup Outfit:

Just in case, bring a backup outfit. Weather conditions or unexpected circumstances might require a change, ensuring your session goes smoothly.

10. Complement Your Partner:

Your outfits should complement each other without being too matchy. If one of you chooses a bold color or pattern, the other could opt for a more neutral, balanced choice.

11. Choose Comfortable Shoes:

Comfort is key. Wear shoes that you can comfortably walk in, especially if your engagement session involves exploring different locations.

12. Grooming Matters:

Don't forget about grooming. A fresh haircut, manicure, or beard trim can enhance your overall look and make you feel more confident.

13. Be Mindful of Logistics:

Consider how easy it will be to move around in your chosen attire. If you plan to walk or hike to specific locations during the session, make sure your outfits are practical for the journey.

14. Consult Your Photographer:

Last but not least, don't hesitate to consult with me! I’m more than happy to chat through your ideas and even go shopping if needed!

In conclusion, selecting the right attire for your engagement session is all about expressing your personality as a couple while ensuring you look your best. By following these tips and allowing your unique style to shine through, you'll be well-prepared to create stunning and meaningful engagement photos that capture the essence of your love story.




From Photoshoot to Showcase: How to Use and Display Your Engagement Session Images